Marriage Proposal
טיילת לואי - חיפה

It was Friday afternoon, the 29th of September 2006

Omer decided that we should test one of our new cameras, so we went for a stroll around the beautiful scenery of Haifa.

That night Omer’s family planed a surprise party for his 30th birthday and I was busy thinking how to distract him so he will not suspect it.

After a short walk Omer started asking unusual questions such as: “Do you know how much I love you? How much do you love me? How good are we together?”
The truth is that for a minute I started suspecting that something strange is going on, and even the idea of him proposing crossed my mind. But as we continued walking and my suspicions wearied off.

After a short distance we stop to enjoy the amazing view which observes over Haifa. Omer said he is going to take out the camera while I continued to be amazed by the view. The view is so breath taking that I did not even realized that it is taking him a long time to take the camera out. Only when he called me I turned around and found him kneeling on one knee while holding a ring in a box. To be honest? I was so surpised!! From all the excitement I couldn’t even speak. Only after a few seconds (Omer’s says that it felt like hours) I managed to say the word “YES” while tears are running down my face. Needless to say that the ring is stunning!!

Once we came down we asked someone to take our picture.

רגעים אחרי התשובה החיובית

The surprise party turned into a surpirse/ engagement party. The food (BBQ) was wonderful as appropriate to the Dansky family.

Omer says he suspected that we are going to trough a surprise party, but he was defiantly suppried by the amount of friends who turned up.